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Avoiding incorrect replacements

In files that have multiple version strings, Bump My Version may find the wrong string and replace it. Given this requirements.txt for MyProject:


The default search and replace templates will replace the wrong text. Instead of changing MyProject’s version from 1.5.6 to 1.6.0, it changes Django’s version:


Providing search and replace templates for the requirements.txt file will avoid this.

This .bumpversion.toml will ensure only the line containing MyProject will be changed:

current_version = "1.5.6"

filename = "requirements.txt"
search = "MyProject=={current_version}"
replace = "MyProject=={new_version}"

If the string to be replaced includes literal quotes, the search and replace patterns must include them to match. Given the file


Then the following search and replace patterns (including quotes) would be required:

filename = ""
search = "MY_VERSION=\"{current_version}\""
replace = "MY_VERSION=\"{new_version}\""