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Patterns are meant to be focused and reusable chunks of templated content. Although patterns are renderable as-is, you may combine patterns using a composition.

A pattern consists of a set of template files and a configuration file.

Pattern configuration

The configuration file defines the context required to render the template and the rendering rules.

You may use YAML, JSON, or TOML formatting to define the configuration.

template_location = "{{ repo_name }}"
copy_only = [

name = "project_name"
prompt = "What is the human-friendly name of the project?"
type = "str"
default = "My Project"

name = "package_name"
prompt = "What is the name of the Python package?"
type = "str"
default = "{{ project_name|lower|replace(' ', '_') }}"

name = "repo_name"
prompt = "What is the name of the project repository?"
type = "str"
default = "{{ package_name|replace('_', '-') }}"

name = "project_description"
help = "A sentence or two about what this project does."
type = "str"
default = ""

docs = [
  "template_location": "{{ repo_name }}",
  "copy_only": [
  "questions": [
      "name": "project_name",
      "prompt": "What is the human-friendly name of the project?",
      "type": "str",
      "default": "My Project"
      "name": "package_name",
      "prompt": "What is the name of the Python package?",
      "type": "str",
      "default": "{{ project_name|lower|replace(' ', '_') }}"
      "name": "repo_name",
      "prompt": "What is the name of the project repository?",
      "type": "str",
      "default": "{{ package_name|replace('_', '-') }}"
      "name": "project_description",
      "help": "A sentence or two about what this project does.",
      "type": "str",
      "default": ""
  "extra_context": {
    "requirements": {
      "docs": [
template_location: '{{ repo_name }}'
  - overrides/**/*
  - overrides/**/.*
  - default: My Project
    name: project_name
    prompt: What is the human-friendly name of the project?
    type: str
  - default: "{{ project_name|lower|replace(' ', '_') }}"
    name: package_name
    prompt: What is the name of the Python package?
    type: str
  - default: "{{ package_name|replace('_', '-') }}"
    name: repo_name
    prompt: What is the name of the project repository?
    type: str
  - default: ''
    help: A sentence or two about what this project does.
    name: project_description
    type: str
      - black
      - markdown-customblocks
      - mdx-truly-sane-lists
      - mkdocs
      - mkdocs-click
      - mkdocs-gen-files
      - mkdocs-git-authors-plugin
      - mkdocs-git-committers-plugin
      - mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin
      - mkdocs-include-markdown-plugin
      - mkdocs-literate-nav
      - mkdocs-material
      - mkdocs-section-index
      - mkdocstrings[python]
      - python-frontmatter


  • Pattern settings
  • Question objects
  • Choice objects

Pattern Templates

  • how context is presented
  • default behavior is to render each template file in the pattern and save the results to the destination.
  • Template files that match a path or glob pattern in the skip attribute are available for inclusion in other templates, but are not rendered individually or saved to the destination
  • Template files that match a path or glob pattern in the copy_only attribute are not rendered. Their contents are copied to the destination

Pattern source manager

  • Contains the interface for accessing local copies of the pattern templates
  • Caching logic - Local checkouts for remote repositories
  • Hashing sources to detect changes

Sources of patterns

  • Local directory - For local Git repositories, we will need to deal with the potential of a dirty repo and how that affects the snapshot - Treat it as a Non-Git repository - Don’t allow dirty repositories: raise an error - Non-Git directories - Hash the contents of the directory. - Treat it as “always new”.