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This page explains why Project Forge is the way it is.

Explanation is discussion that clarifies and illuminates a particular topic. Explanation is understanding-oriented.

  • Give context and background on your library
  • Explain why you created it
  • Provide multiple examples and approaches of how to work with it
  • Help the reader make connections
  • Avoid writing instructions or technical descriptions here
  • More Information


Project Forge is a scaffolding tool. A scaffolding tool allows developers to generate a new project by answering a few questions. Developers can go from idea to coding very quickly.

Additional needs:

  • Combine several templates using composition.
  • Projects can update themselves with updates from their dependent templates.
  • Can use blocks within files to compose parts of files
  • Don’t ask the same question twice

Issues to be aware of:

  • Context collisions - The question variable names match in two or more patterns, but their values and use are different.
  • Patterns with similar questions but different names. - project_name vs. name_of_project
  • Storage location of pattern configuration and pattern template - Local-Local - Local-Remote - Remote-Local - Remote-Remote