Source code for generate_changelog.templating

"""Templating functions."""
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional

from jinja2 import ChoiceLoader, Environment, FileSystemLoader, PackageLoader, select_autoescape

from generate_changelog.configuration import Configuration, get_config
from generate_changelog.context import ChangelogContext, VersionContext

[docs] @dataclass class RenderedChangelog: r""" The output of rendering a changelog. If it is an incremental changelog, ``full`` contains ``{heading}\n{notes}`` If it is a full changelog, ``heading`` and ``notes`` are empty. """ heading: Optional[str] = None notes: Optional[str] = None full: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def get_default_env(config: Optional[Configuration] = None) -> Environment: """The default Jinja environment for rendering a changelog.""" if config is None: config = get_config() return Environment( loader=ChoiceLoader([FileSystemLoader(config.template_dirs), PackageLoader("generate_changelog")]), trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, keep_trailing_newline=True, autoescape=select_autoescape(), )
[docs] def get_pipeline_env(config: Optional[Configuration] = None) -> Environment: """The Jinja environment for rendering actions and pipelines.""" if config is None: config = get_config() return Environment( loader=ChoiceLoader([FileSystemLoader(config.template_dirs), PackageLoader("generate_changelog")]), autoescape=select_autoescape(), )
[docs] def render_changelog( version_context: List[VersionContext], config: Configuration, incremental: bool = False ) -> RenderedChangelog: """ Render the full or incremental changelog for the repository to a string. Args: version_context: The processed commits config: The current configuration object. incremental: ``True`` to generate an incremental changelog. ``False`` to render the entire thing. Returns: The full or partial changelog """ context = ChangelogContext(config=config, versions=version_context) if incremental: heading_str = get_default_env(config).get_template("").render() versions_str = get_default_env(config).get_template("").render(context.as_dict()) return RenderedChangelog(heading=heading_str, notes=versions_str, full=f"{heading_str}\n{versions_str}") chglog = get_default_env(config).get_template("").render(context.as_dict()) return RenderedChangelog(full=chglog)