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Semantic Versioning

Create a default configuration

The default configuration uses a simplified version of semantic versioning.

Generating a default configuration
$ bump-my-version sample-config --no-prompt --destination .bumpversion.toml
$ cat .bumpversion.toml
current_version = "0.1.0"
parse = "(?P<major>\\d+)\\.(?P<minor>\\d+)\\.(?P<patch>\\d+)"
serialize = ["{major}.{minor}.{patch}"]
search = "{current_version}"
replace = "{new_version}"
regex = false
ignore_missing_version = false
tag = false
sign_tags = false
tag_name = "v{new_version}"
tag_message = "Bump version: {current_version} → {new_version}"
allow_dirty = false
commit = false
message = "Bump version: {current_version} → {new_version}"
commit_args = ""

Visualize the versioning path

You can see the potential versioning paths with the show-bump subcommand.

Showing the potential versioning path
$ bump-my-version show-bump
0.1.0 ── bump ─┬─ major ─ 1.0.0
               ├─ minor ─ 0.2.0
               ╰─ patch ─ 0.1.1
$ bump-my-version show-bump 1.2.3
1.2.3 ── bump ─┬─ major ─ 2.0.0
               ├─ minor ─ 1.3.0
               ╰─ patch ─ 1.2.4

The default configuration only allows bumping the major, minor, or patch version. What if you wanted to support pre-release versions?

Get the new version in a script

If you want to get the new version within a script, you can use the show method.

Extract the new version
$ bump-my-version show current_version
$ bump-my-version show --increment minor new_version

Add support for pre-release versions

Alter the parse configuration to support pre-release versions. This parse option uses an extended (or verbose) regular expression to extract the version components from the current version.

New parse configuration
parse = """(?x)
        -                             # dash separator for pre-release section
        (?P<pre_l>[a-zA-Z-]+)         # pre-release label
        (?P<pre_n>0|[1-9]\\d*)        # pre-release version number
    )?                                # pre-release section is optional

Alter the serialize configuration to support pre-release versions.

New serialize configuration
serialize = [

Add a new configuration section for the pre_l part.

New pre_l configuration
values = ["dev", "rc", "final"]
optional_value = "final"

Visualize the new versioning path

Now when you run bump-my-version show-bump, you can see the new pre-release versioning path.

Showing the new versioning path
$ bump-my-version show-bump
0.1.0 ── bump ─┬─ major ─ 1.0.0-dev0
               ├─ minor ─ 0.2.0-dev0
               ├─ patch ─ 0.1.1-dev0
               ├─ pre_l ─ invalid: The part has already the maximum value among ['dev', 'rc', 'final'] and cannot be bumped.
               ╰─ pre_n ─ 0.1.0-final1

The pre_l is not bump-able because it is already at the maximum value. The pre_n is bump-able because it is not at the maximum value.

If we run bump-my-version show-bump 1.0.0-dev0, we can see the new versioning path for a dev starting version.

Showing the new versioning path for a dev version
$ bump-my-version show-bump 1.0.0-dev0
1.0.0-dev0 ── bump ─┬─ major ─ 2.0.0-dev0
                    ├─ minor ─ 1.1.0-dev0
                    ├─ patch ─ 1.0.1-dev0
                    ├─ pre_l ─ 1.0.0-rc0
                    ╰─ pre_n ─ 1.0.0-dev1

Finally, we can see the new versioning path for a rc starting version.

Showing the new versioning path for an rc version
$ bump-my-version show-bump 1.0.0-rc0 
1.0.0-rc0 ── bump ─┬─ major ─ 2.0.0-dev0
                   ├─ minor ─ 1.1.0-dev0
                   ├─ patch ─ 1.0.1-dev0
                   ├─ pre_l ─ 1.0.0
                   ╰─ pre_n ─ 1.0.0-rc1

The full development and release path is:

  • 1.0.0
  • bump patch1.0.1-dev0
  • bump pre_n1.0.1-dev1
  • bump pre_l1.0.1-rc0
  • bump pre_n1.0.1-rc1
  • bump pre_l1.0.1
  1. You must decide on the next version before you start developing.
  2. Development versions increase using bump-my-version bump pre_n.
  3. Switch from development to release candidate using bump-my-version bump pre_l.
  4. Release candidates increase using bump-my-version bump pre_n.
  5. Switch from the release candidate to the final release using bump-my-version bump pre_l.

Automate the pre-release numbering

The pre_n or pre-release number is a number that increases with each pre-release. You can automate this by changing the serialization configuration.

Serialize configuration with pre_n automation
parse = """(?x)
        -                             # dash separator for pre-release section
        (?P<pre_l>[a-zA-Z-]+)         # pre-release label
        (?:0|[1-9]\\d*)               # pre-release version number
    )?                                # pre-release section is optional

serialize = [

Now the pre_n is no longer captured in the parse expression and serialize replaces pre_n with distance_to_latest_tag. The distance_to_latest_tag is a special value replaced with the number of commits since the last tag. This is a good value to use for the pre_n because it will always increase with each commit.

Visualize the pre_n versioning path

Now when you run bump-my-version show-bump, you can see the new pre-release versioning path.

Showing the new versioning path with pre_n automation
$ bump-my-version show-bump
0.1.0 ── bump ─┬─ major ─ 1.0.0-dev0
               ├─ minor ─ 0.2.0-dev0
               ├─ patch ─ 0.1.1-dev0
               ╰─ pre_l ─ invalid: The part has already the maximum value among ['dev', 'rc', 'final'] and cannot be bumped.
$ bump-my-version show-bump 1.0.0-dev0
1.0.0-dev0 ── bump ─┬─ major ─ 2.0.0-dev0
                    ├─ minor ─ 1.1.0-dev0
                    ├─ patch ─ 1.0.1-dev0
                    ╰─ pre_l ─ 1.0.0-rc0
$ bump-my-version show-bump 1.0.0-rc0 
1.0.0-rc0 ── bump ─┬─ major ─ 2.0.0-dev0
                   ├─ minor ─ 1.1.0-dev0
                   ├─ patch ─ 1.0.1-dev0
                   ╰─ pre_l ─ 1.0.0

The pre_n path is now missing because it is automated.

The full development and release path now is:

  • 1.0.0
  • bump patch1.0.1-dev0
    • each commit will increase → 1.0.1-dev1
  • bump pre_l1.0.1-rc0
    • each commit will increase → 1.0.1-rc1
  • bump pre_l1.0.1
  1. You must decide on the next version before you start developing.
  2. Development versions increase automatically with each commit.
  3. Switch from development to release candidate using bump-my-version bump pre_l.
  4. Release candidate versions increase automatically with each commit.
  5. Switch from the release candidate to the final release using bump-my-version bump pre_l.