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Getting Started


You can download and install the latest version of this software from the Python package index (PyPI) as follows:

pip install --upgrade bump-my-version

Create a default configuration

The default configuration uses a simplified version of semantic versioning.


Python projects can use pyproject.toml as the --destination of the sample config.

Generating a default configuration
$ bump-my-version sample-config --no-prompt --destination .bumpversion.toml
$ cat .bumpversion.toml
current_version = "0.1.0"
parse = "(?P<major>\\d+)\\.(?P<minor>\\d+)\\.(?P<patch>\\d+)"
serialize = ["{major}.{minor}.{patch}"]
search = "{current_version}"
replace = "{new_version}"
regex = false
ignore_missing_version = false
tag = false
sign_tags = false
tag_name = "v{new_version}"
tag_message = "Bump version: {current_version} → {new_version}"
allow_dirty = false
commit = false
message = "Bump version: {current_version} → {new_version}"
commit_args = ""

Visualize the versioning path

You can see the potential versioning paths with the show-bump subcommand. This visualization will help debug any versioning logic you implement.

Showing the potential versioning path
$ bump-my-version show-bump
0.1.0 ── bump ─┬─ major ─ 1.0.0
               ├─ minor ─ 0.2.0
               ╰─ patch ─ 0.1.1

You can also pass in a specific version to see how bumping that version would work.

Showing the potential versioning path from a specific version
$ bump-my-version show-bump 1.2.3
1.2.3 ── bump ─┬─ major ─ 2.0.0
               ├─ minor ─ 1.3.0
               ╰─ patch ─ 1.2.4

Configure a file to modify when bumping

Let’s say your version is stored in a file named VERSION. Every time you bump your version, that file needs to change.

Create the VERSION file with the current version 0.1.0:

Create a VERSION file
$ echo "0.1.0" >> VERSION

Add the following to the .bumpversion.toml file.

filename = "VERSION"

Now bump-my-version will look in the VERSION file for the current version in that file and replace it with the new version on each bump-my-version bump command.

Seeing what would happen with dry-run

You will increment the version using the bump subcommand. You “bump” a specific segment of the version. These segments are defined in the parse configuration. In this configuration ((?P<major>\\d+)\\.(?P<minor>\\d+)\\.(?P<patch>\\d+)) the segments are major, minor, patch.

The --dry-run option will explain all the steps it performs without permanent changes. Use the -vv option to get the full description for debugging later.


If you are in a Git or Mercurial repository, you may see additional messages.

Incrementing the minor segment
$ bump-my-version bump minor --dry-run -vv
Starting BumpVersion 0.25.1
Reading configuration
  Reading config file: /users/gettingstarted/.bumpversion.toml
  Parsing current version '0.1.0'
    Parsing version '0.1.0' using regexp '(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<patch>\d+)'
      Parsed the following values: major=0, minor=1, patch=0
  Attempting to increment part 'minor'
    Values are now: major=0, minor=2, patch=0
  Serializing version '<bumpversion.Version:major=0, minor=2, patch=0>'
    Using serialization format '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'
    Serialized to '0.2.0'
  New version will be '0.2.0'
Dry run active, won't touch any files.

File VERSION: replace `{current_version}` with `{new_version}`
  Serializing the current version
    Serializing version '<bumpversion.Version:major=0, minor=1, patch=0>'
      Using serialization format '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'
      Serialized to '0.1.0'
  Serializing the new version
    Serializing version '<bumpversion.Version:major=0, minor=2, patch=0>'
      Using serialization format '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'
      Serialized to '0.2.0'
  Rendering search pattern with context
    No RegEx flag detected. Searching for the default pattern: '0\.1\.0'
  Found '0\.1\.0' at line 1: 0.1.0
  Would change file VERSION:
    *** before VERSION
    --- after VERSION
    *** 1 ****
    ! 0.1.0
    --- 1 ----
    ! 0.2.0

Processing config file: /users/gettingstarted/.bumpversion.toml
  Serializing version '<bumpversion.Version:major=0, minor=1, patch=0>'
    Using serialization format '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'
    Serialized to '0.1.0'
  Serializing version '<bumpversion.Version:major=0, minor=2, patch=0>'
    Using serialization format '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'
    Serialized to '0.2.0'
  Rendering search pattern with context
    No RegEx flag detected. Searching for the default pattern: '0\.1\.0'
  Found '0\.1\.0' at line 1: 0.1.0
  Would change file /users/gettingstarted/.bumpversion.toml:tool.bumpversion.current_version:
    *** before /users/gettingstarted/.bumpversion.toml:tool.bumpversion.current_version
    --- after /users/gettingstarted/.bumpversion.toml:tool.bumpversion.current_version
    *** 1 ****
    ! 0.1.0
    --- 1 ----
    ! 0.2.0